The Chicago City Council Resolution on the Case of Jonathan Pollard
A Resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Chicago Illinois
JUNE 9, 1993
WHEREAS, Jonathan Pollard is currently incarcerated in a maximum security prison in Marion, Illinois serving a life term and has been in prison for a period of seven years; and
WHEREAS, Jonathan Pollard and his wife pleaded guilty as a result of a plea bargaining agreement and then contrary to the agreement were given life sentences in spite of the fact that others involved with related crimes were meted out disproportionately lesser sentences; and
WHEREAS, Judicial process has been exhausted as a result of the fact that n spite of the plea bargain, Jonathan Pollard is not given an opportunity to appeal because of the guilty plea which was a direct result of the plea bargain; and
WHEREAS City councils across the nation have petitioned the President of the United States of America in an act of simple to commute the sentence of Jonathan Pollard to the time he has already served in prison; and
WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Los Angeles was the last major city to join the long line of citizens speaking out for equitable treatment [for Jonathan Pollard] by a motion on April 14, 1993; now therefore
Be It Resolved, That the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Chicago do hereby request the President of the United States to review the sentence of Jonathan Pollard and consider commuting his sentence to the time he has already served; and
Be It Further Resolved, That a suitable copy of this resolution be forwarded to the President of the United States.
(signed by)
Mayor Richard M. Daley and The Deputy City Clerk
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